Location and contacts
Trinity Methodist Church
Udimore Road
Broad Oak
TN31 6DG
The church is near the crossroads in Broad Oak on Udimore Road, opposite the playing field and next to Brede Primary School, on the south side of the road.
Parking is in the layby opposite or in neighbouring streets. Parking is allowed on the zigzag lines outside the school except for 8-9.30am and 2.30-4pm on weekdays. It is allowed at any time in August.
Minister: Rev’d Philip Wagstaff
01424 755699
Senior Steward Angela Pepper
01424 753295
Property Steward Stephen Hampson
01424 882690
Safeguarding Officer Frances Parnham
01424 882007
Circuit Safeguarding Officer [email protected]
General enquires should be sent to Angela Pepper or Stephen Hampson.